“I remember leaving that first conversation being like, Oh my gosh, this is mind-blowing help, I need her program, whatever it is!

It’s helped me be a better mom, be a better wife, and ultimately be happier in my day-to-day life."


I met Summers through LinkedIn. She is, frankly, an all star - a director at work, a mom to two boys, and a tremendous athlete.

I met Summers through LinkedIn. She is, frankly, an all star - a director in line for a big promotion at work, a mom to two boys, and a tremendous athlete.

But she was also suffering emotionally...

“I just felt such immense guilt that my kids are the last ones to be picked up from school. 

Meanwhile, I’m late for everything, it's like death by a thousand meetings every day. I would have reached my breaking point, and just said I can't do it anymore.”

tired woman on her laptop

The struggle was real.

Summers felt overwhelmed. Balancing a demanding career with family life wasn't easy, especially with a 70-hour work week.

Her calendar? Overflowing. Summers had superwoman syndrome, taking on more than her fair share, making 'me time' or family time feel like a distant dream.

She was struggling to keep her evenings and weekends free to spend time with her family. She needed clarity and confidence that she was on the right path.

“Am I in the right job and role? Is it worth it? Should I work? Should I be a stay-at-home mom? I felt I was  in a constant state of indecision.”

So, we flipped the script…

Stage #1:

We started with auditing Summers' time. This wasn't just about cutting back meetings but rethinking them. We scheduled strategic thinking time, discovering this one change had a huge impact on her being able to feel fulfilled.

Stage #2:

Next up, boundaries! We tackled the "yes" habit head-on, focusing on the work that lights her up, and we got strategic with our "no's."

Stage #3: 

We explored Summers’ personality type and the type of work that naturally triggers her flow state. Finally, we assigned time in the calendar for big life decisions so that she could focus on the present rather than ruminating about the future.

As a result…

  • At work, she's a force—focused, clear, and confident. She prioritizes tasks, saying “no” to meetings regularly.
  • She isn’t so hard on herself and notices incremental progress. She has learned to validate from within rather than expecting it from an external source.
  • At home, Summers is happy and finds more patience with her kids. She sleeps more and makes time to prioritize her workouts…without feeling guilty.
happy woman on her laptop

“I've become so much more confident in my leadership and management capabilities. I feel more in control than I ever have. I'm also not going to apologize for having a personal life.”

Summers has plans for some big life decisions in 2024.

She will be in a position to make these decisions based on what she wants, not on what she should do.

Why a coach made all the difference...

“Having a coach is like, someone who's guiding me and helping me be confident in the path I chose (...) I worked with Amanda for over a year now and she gets it. She coaches me, but she can come out of that at times too and say I've dealt with it or this is what I've experienced.”

My approach to coaching is highly personalized.

I use a structured method, but I also make room for free flow coaching to make sure my clients have the space to address on the spot challenges. This creates a tailored experience for each person I coach. 

“If I hadn’t met Amanda, I would have kept on the same path and suffered through it. Probably part of myself would have been not pleasant to be around. I think I would have quit my job.”

Seeing Summers thrive, not just survive, has been incredible.

She isn't just a client; she's a reminder of my own journey. Her progress is pure commitment to letting go of the idea that a mom needs to sacrifice her own needs to meet those of her peers, partner, and kids. 

Her journey is a powerful testament to what's possible when you dare to ask for help and commit to your own growth and happiness.

“I tell everyone about Amanda. I think everyone should have access to someone like her if they need it.”

Seeing Summers thrive, not just survive, has been incredible.

She isn't just a client; she's a reminder of my own journey. Her progress is pure commitment to letting go of the idea that a mom needs to sacrifice her own needs to meet those of her peers, partner, and kids. 

Her journey is a powerful testament to what's possible when you dare to ask for help and commit to your own growth and happiness.

“I tell everyone about Amanda. I think everyone should have access to someone like her if they need it.”

Professional Coach Amanda Doyle


Check out my coaching program and decide if it's right for you.



From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Sara's journey to finding clarity and peace.


From Overwhelm to Ownership: Maura's journey to reclaiming her life.


From Reactive to Responsive: Laura's journey to inner peace and success.




Learn how to integrate self-coaching strategies into your life to immediately uplevel your leadership, feel better in your relationships, and reach your personal health goals.