“I was almost paralyzed because I didn't even know where to begin. And Amanda just walked me through my thinking of why I didn't even want to start.

Now it feels more like I have accepted myself and I can prioritize myself. And that has just made me a much better partner, mom, worker and just all-around friend. 

At work, I've got validation. I go into work more comfortable with myself and with my intelligence.”


Maura R

I was introduced to Maura through one of my clients. She was working at a Fortune 500 company and, with a young family, she was struggling to prioritize herself and her health. She was also finding it hard to be her best self at work and home!

Maura R

I was introduced to Maura through one of my clients. She was working at a Fortune 500 company and, with a young family, she was struggling to prioritize herself and her health. She was also finding it hard to be her best self at work and home!

“I felt overwhelmed, on edge all the time, feeling like I was walking on eggshells. I felt unsteady at work, unsteady at home. And then health-wise, I just wasn't taking care of myself. So I felt like I was spiraling.

mom thinking while holding her baby

Maura took on a big career step when she was 36 weeks pregnant. Once she got back to work after maternity leave, she found herself with two young kids at home and in a new role marred by self-doubt and mental blocks that held back her potential.

Maura wanted an accountability partner. She also had health and body image issues which she wanted to resolve through coaching.

She could no longer continue with her old coping mechanisms and decided to find a better way to be more present with her family and have more confidence as a manager.

“I was not giving myself time. I was not working out, not running, which I missed a lot. There were things that I used to like and prioritize, but now I was feeling guilty for not spending that time with my husband or my kids or doing the work that I needed to catch up on.”

It was time to make some changes…

Stage #1:

I gave Maura tangible tools she could use to coach herself. We wrote down her negative self-talk, analyzed how it created unwanted results and then questioned those thoughts and found that they weren’t true.

 I helped her learn how to handle difficult situations calmly and confidently both in her personal and professional life. We worked on using my framework to help her manage relationships.

 We worked on triggers and how to shift Maura’s focus to strategic thinking.

Stage #2:

I helped her overcome the imposter syndrome and see that she was right on track. I helped her relax into this phase of life, celebrating incremental successes instead of focusing on deficiencies.

Stage #3: 

We found small but impact-driven tactics like helping her get on track with her health goals, even if it meant simply going for a jog. We planned meal prep routines to ensure she could stick to healthy eating.

As a result...

“I realized I was holding myself back from being confident because I'm thinking I shouldn't be confident and I'm always comparing myself to other people in the room.”

  • Maura has found clarity, focus and control. She’s more productive at work, prioritizing her tasks and time blocking. She now has the tools to create confidence when she needs it and is working towards strategic thinking
  • She now believes she’s exactly where she needs to be managing difficult people and situations with confidence
  • At home, Maura is ridding herself of the guilt that she must do everything herself and is letting her partner share certain tasks without worrying that everything needs to be done by her in a certain way
  • Maura is seeing a positive change in her health. She has started to appreciate her body and is on track with her healthy eating goals. She feels in control by building healthier habits and also ran half a marathon.
woman smiling while looking at her binder

“I got better and felt like I had control. It takes off the mental load. And then I started realizing that when I stopped thinking about my weight all the time, I felt free.”

Why a coach made all the difference...

“A coach provides the accountability that I needed but I kept seeking with the wrong people. This work really helped me reprioritize myself and not feel selfish about it.”

My approach for Maura focused on helping her realize her true strengths and shedding the negative self-image that was holding her back. 


I took on a flexible but structured method, and I added my own lessons and experiences into our sessions to make sure she didn’t feel alone in her challenges. We also did a lot of on-the-spot coaching and I would check in on her via text messages when she was going through something important. She really liked that! 

My coaching framework enabled her to be her real, amazing self and confidently apply her skills at work. She has also learned to feel comfortable with her body, develop healthy habits, and navigate relationships better.

She found our work together to be life-changing.

“Without Amanda in my life, I probably would have been arguing way more at home. I probably would have burned out too.

I really enjoyed working with her, there's no judgment. She gave me confidence in my ability and what I'm doing. So I'm proud of what I've built and what I've created. (...)  I'm not going to please everyone, I have my boundaries and I'm doing the best I can.

The biggest thing that I got out of this was my confidence. I have a sense of control. I felt like my life was spiraling.

I definitely recommend working with her.”

My coaching framework enabled her to be her real, amazing self and confidently apply her skills at work. She has also learned to feel comfortable with her body, develop healthy habits, and navigate relationships better.

She found our work together to be life-changing.

“Without Amanda in my life, I probably would have been arguing way more at home. I probably would have burned out too.

I really enjoyed working with her, there's no judgment. She gave me confidence in my ability and what I'm doing. So I'm proud of what I've built and what I've created. (...)  I'm not going to please everyone, I have my boundaries and I'm doing the best I can.

The biggest thing that I got out of this was my confidence. I have a sense of control. I felt like my life was spiraling.

I definitely recommend working with her.”

Professional Coach Amanda Doyle


Check out my coaching program and decide if it's right for you.


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From Doubt to Determination: Kim's journey to self-love and acceptance.


From Burnout to Balance: Summers' journey to a happier, more fulfilling life.


From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Sara's journey to finding clarity and peace.




Learn how to integrate self-coaching strategies into your life to immediately uplevel your leadership, feel better in your relationships, and reach your personal health goals.