"I was feeling on edge, being really reactive to different challenges that came up.

Amanda helped me to reset the power dynamic which was really helpful. I have more awareness now and I feel lighter. I'm able to create the intended impact in my relationships professionally and personally because I'm trying to authentically create an impact rather than control situations.

I would still be compartmentalizing if I hadn’t met Amanda.”



Laura M

Laura and I connected over LinkedIn. She was two months into her role as a VP and had a young family. She was looking to find a way to increase her self-awareness and strategically deal with situations at work that would get her closer to her professional goals. 

Laura and I connected over LinkedIn. She was two months into her role as a VP and had a young family. She was looking to find a way to increase her self-awareness and strategically deal with situations at work that would get her closer to her professional goals. 

When I met Laura, she felt that she was pushing herself and the people around her, both at home and at work.

She was both overworked as well as expecting too much from others. 

She felt disconnected and was constantly judging and criticizing herself. 

“I had just entered into my third marketing executive position and realized that I needed somebody who could help me re-envision my systems that would work in any professional environment in any context or situation."

I was not sure that my natural inclination would be to react in a way that would set me, my colleagues, and the business up for success.”

Frustrated woman with hands covering face

Laura suffered from imposter syndrome. She also had a scarcity mindset and feared that her success wasn’t going to last. 

Laura was using guilt, pressure, and scarcity as her primary motivators. She used compartmentalization to deal with problems and her coping mechanisms had now become maladaptive.

At work, Laura wanted focus and confidence and to stop worrying about what others think. She wanted to be able to trust herself and make the right decisions.

“I was looking for an accountability partner. I wanted someone unbiased, who could help me see the situation more holistically, rather than making decisions based on how I was feeling at that moment.

Amanda’s framework has helped me in interactions at work and at home where I'm  no longer spinning out or reacting to circumstances.”

It was time to make some changes...

Stage #1:

Through our work together, Laura realized that she needed to find a better way to motivate herself. She learned to accept the reality around her, and in doing so, she created a renewed sense of freedom.

Stage #2:

We worked on mindset blocks and Laura realized that the motivators that she thought were creating her success - the pressure and the criticism - were holding her back from achieving further success at work and having a deeper connection with her family.

She came to understand that constant comparison with a fictional, “perfect” version of herself would forever lead to unfulfillment. 

Stage #3: 

We explored Laura’s fear of scarcity, its origin, and its impact on different areas of her life. This helped her become more tolerant of feedback and to stop taking things personally at work.

As a result...

“Amanda’s framework is really helpful because it provides a situation-diagnostic. It helps me tap into my grace and patience, changing the mindset so that I can better navigate difficult situations. She helped me gain self-awareness and translate that into self-empowerment.”

  • Laura gained clarity, fulfillment and joy by accepting herself. She found mental and emotional relief through our work together. 
  • She feels happy that she can model this behavior for her 4-year-old and teach them very early on that you can’t control others, but you can balance out your interactions with them. 
  • At home, Laura used the framework to stop feeling overburdened and thinking that everything was her responsibility. She learned to accept things the way they are rather than doing everything her own way. 
  • At work, she has stopped wanting her managers to be busy all the time and now chooses what priorities to focus on. 
Smiling woman while looking at her laptop and holding a cup

“Amanda’s framework is helping me be more real in my interactions and cutting out some of the nonsense that I thought was necessary to get to the place that I wanted.

I realized that in trying to control other people, which I didn’t have the power to control in the first place, I was neglecting the power that I did have - that to control myself.”

Why a coach made all the difference...

“I don't like to talk about my personal life, yet Amanda had me crying on our first meeting, even though I never cry!”

With Laura we started with structured coaching and then we took on a more relaxed 1:1 coaching style to allow her space or ad-hoc issues. She quickly consumed the curriculum we used and found the framework very helpful in day-to-day situations. 

We stay in touch and have regular catch-ups to offer on-the-go support.

“Amanda made it feel like I was her only client. She was really invested, caring, easy to trust and authentic.

Having her in my life has been very impactful. I hope that other people will have a chance to really benefit from working with her as well.”

With Laura we started with structured coaching and then we took on a more relaxed 1:1 coaching style to allow her space or ad-hoc issues. She quickly consumed the curriculum we used and found the framework very helpful in day-to-day situations. 

We stay in touch and have regular catch-ups to offer on-the-go support.

“Amanda made it feel like I was her only client. She was really invested, caring, easy to trust and authentic.

Having her in my life has been very impactful. I hope that other people will have a chance to really benefit from working with her as well.”

Professional Coach Amanda Doyle


Check out my coaching program and decide if it's right for you.


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